

Baden-Württemberg is one of the economically strongest regions in Germany and Europe. A network of excellent research institutions and powerful industrial clusters are the base of the region’s global competitiveness. Baden-Württemberg: Connected e.V. (bwcon) is the leading business initiative for the promotion of the high-tech sectors in the region with offices in Stuttgart and Freiburg. Established in 1997, the main goal of the network organization is to foster key-technologies in order to strengthen the region’s economic development. Therefore, the focus of bwcon lies on information and communication technologies (ICT) which are seen as the innovation drivers for other industrial fields, such as mobility, production, health care and energy. Today, bwcon connects more than 600 member companies and research institutions, represented by a honorary board composed of distinguished personalities. This eco-system creates a truly unique platform for cross-sector cooperation between developers, users and investors. Founded in 2014 by bwcon e.V. and Steinbeis to serve their strategic goals, bwcon GmbH is a service company supporting businesses and their innovation processes across the whole value chain. The portfolio comprises talent and idea management, knowledge transfer and fostering the growth of young as well as established companies. A particular focus lies on the interaction between established companies and high-tech start-ups to accelerate the invention of new products and services. The quality management system of the bwcon GmbH is ISO 9001 certified.

​Agro Business Park

​Agro Business Park

Agro Business Park is a cluster and management organisation with innovation, incubation and investment activities at both national and international level. Based on the needs of startups and established companies, 18 dedicated employees provide support in the development of new business ideas and models, technology development, project funding, access to venture capital and networking in the value chain from field to fork.



The European Federation of Food Science & Technology (EFFoST) pushes the production of sustainable and healthy food by facilitating knowledge exchange. As a non-profit organization we support the further development of the field of food science and technology. We enable food scientists and technologists, businesses in food and food-related areas and European policymakers to deploy new technologies and developments to their advantage. More than 130 societies, institutes and universities all over Europe are affiliated to EFFoST. We are the European group of the International Union of Food Science & Technology (IUFoST), which in turn is a full member of the International Council for Science (ICSU), the scientific organization of the United Nations (UN). EFFoST aims to: Provide an independent European platform for all food professionals Interacte and forming alliances with all related disciplines in food and associated sectors Address the needs of professionals, such as: innovation pathways, expert knowledge Create a European network for knowledge transfer to enrich the European food culture and value chains



The FOOD+i Industry Cluster, recognized as a “Innovative business group” by the Spanish Ministry for Industry, Tourism and Trade, and Bronze label by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ESCA) was set up in 2009. FOOD+i is therefore, a non for profit private association comprising companies, research centers and regional government institutions that aim to promote the competitiveness and the development of the Ebro Valley region (Spain) food industry through collaboration and innovation. The Ebro Valley region itself has the 8th food industry sector in Europe, in terms of turnover. The Cluster’s partners are mainly industrial and scientific institutions (research centers). The association has a total of 78 industrial partners (74% SMEs 26% Large companies with a total turnover of 2,68 €billion and 10.576 employees) as well as 8 of the most important representatives from the world of science and research. Manufacturers in the sector have defined 6 strategic development areas. New products and consumer “Healthy foods”/ Nutrional quality Preservation_packaging Food security._Quality Sostenibility_H2O, Industrial efficiency, By-products. Innovation plans_SMEs The principal activities of the institution referred to I+D+I are: Reinforce the innovation system (Push&Pull): In terms of the product and packaging →Product development and adaptation to new trends: convenience, functional, foreign and organic dishes, high-end and differential packaging, innovation and the supply of additives. In terms of processes → Product industrialization: economies of scales, convenience food, cost reduction, substitute products, high pressures and temperatures, waste recovery, reverse logistics, ICTs, etc. Rework business strategies and access to new markets: Opening up of new markets and segments Marketing and commercial skills: internationalisation, specialised distribution, promotional activities at sales points, specialisation of food service segment Managing cross-channel strategies Distribution-based integration Funding growth

​Organic Product Cluster (OPC)

​Organic Product Cluster (OPC)

Organic Products Cluster (O.P.C.) is a non-profit organization based in Greece, which supports all actors involved in the supply and marketing chain of organic food. It provides advisory and information services for the promotion of the organic products to enterprises and consumers through networking, educational and awareness raising activities. Owing to the fact that O.P.C. has been set up by the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece, it is strongly market oriented, always seeking for innovative production, promotion and marketing solutions in order to satisfy the needs of its members taking under consideration the trends of the food industry worldwide. Transnational synergies are promoted by the O.P.C. as they offer an exceptional mean of exchanging knowledge and create business opportunities in the international marketplace.