Have you already teamed up with KATANA Top100 and are you ready to prepare a crowdfunding campaign for our Open Call 2? Great – read carrefully info below.
– KATANA Open Call 2 Sub-grant Agreement Docs
Before downloading and reading:
– KATANA Open Call 2 Guide for Applicants
– KATANA Open Call 2 Consortium Declaration
check the main highlights (What? Who? Why? When? How?) of our Open Call 2.
KATANA Open Call 2 – Call for Products/Services aims to identify products and services with high market potential.
Cross-border (from different eligible countries) and/or cross-sectoral (from different sectors) consortia of 2-4 members each are invited to participate in the second call, providing that at least one (or more) of the partners in each Consortium was among the winners/beneficiaries of KATANA Open Call 1 and has successfully participated in the KATANA training program. The winner of KATANA Open Call 1 must be the leader of newly formed Consortium.
For the KATANA Open Call 2, Consortia apply by preparing a Reward Crowdfunding Campaign. The winners of the Open Call 2 will be the three products/services from each category (Precision Agriculture Services, Mobile services and Functional Foods) (totaling 9) that will receive the highest amount of contributions in euros and one (1) the next best regardless of category (10 products/services in total) in terms of raising money/received contributions during the Reward Crowdfunding campaign. Those winners will receive 100,000 EUR per consortium (20,000-50,000 EUR per SME/entrepreneur). On top of the 100,000 EUR, consortia will receive 2nd stage support services, e.g. Investment Readiness Program, E-Pitches in front of investors, Export Promotion Training. Also, they will be given access to the KATANA Equity Crowdfunding platform in order to raise an additional funding from private investors to support their expansion.
The deadline to submit their draft Consortium Declaration is 31 August 2017, 17:00 CET using the template provided by KATANA.
The deadline to submit the signed and scanned Consortium Declaration via email is 15 September 2017, 17:00 CET.
The deadline to submit the Reward Crowdfunding campaign through the KATANA Reward Crowdfunding platform is 15 September 2017, 17:00 CET for final check and approval by KATANA team.
Once approved or corrected if applicable, the Reward Crowdfunding campaign has to be officially submitted and launched until 30 September 2017, 17:00 CET on the KATANA Reward Crowdfunding platform.
The prepared Consortium Declaration has to be sent to: administrative@katanaproject.eu.
The entry point for all Reward Crowdfunding campaigns for products/services in the Open Call 2 is KATANA Reward Crowdfunding platform – https://katanareward.opencircleproject.com/.