KATANA technology platforms are based on the Large Scale Demonstrator concept, and hence represent a unique tool for de-risking the development and scaling-up of novel products & services in food and agri industries under challenging real life conditions.
The ultimate goal is to inspire startups and SMEs to chart the path from a vision to a concrete product or service innovation. Focus sectors: precision agriculture for sustainable farming, mobile services in accessing agrifood markets, and functional foods for personalized nutrition.
The new marketplace PRAGMATIC (pragmatic-net.eu) is the first one-stop shop platform for precision agriculture products and services, fit for any size AgTech company and farmer. PRAGMATIC connects representatives from the farming industry that are looking for precision agriculture solutions with AgTech startups or SMEs from around Europe and the world.
Running and AgTech startup requires singular, focused attention on the business needs of farmers—who they are, as well as how, why and when they invest in AgTech. The platform allows service/solution providers to slice and dice their marketing and sales data any way they want to adjust their offering to the ever-changing patterns of demand.
How much does it cost to implement a precision agriculture solution? The PRAGMATIC platform features a tool that is perfect for cost-assessment. With this calculator, farmers can enter farm input data specific to their individual operation – type of livestock or crops and finances available – to estimate how much they could spend on Precision Ag technologies.
KATANA Store (katanastore.eu) is an IoT platform that allows agribusiness retailers, as well as, food manufacturers and producers to setup custom-tailored storefront solutions and sell their goods or services via IoT connected devices. These include, but are not limited to, smartphones and wearables, connected devices in the smart home and smart car segments.
Moreover, KATANA Store offers a range of APIs covering payment, logistics, identity management, and more making the integration of new services to the storefront efficient and effective.
And what does this look like in practice? Let’s suppose you have a smart fridge in your kitchen that has a chatbot built into it. You’re out of town on a business trip when your smart fridge realizes the ambient temperature is too high – and your food will get spoilt. Luckily, your little chatbot is connected to a storefront on the KATANA IoT platform and can order food for you and even alert you when your food arrives!
FunFood Toolbox
Recently, there’s been an explosion of demand on the side of consumers for products that address health concerns, on-the-go lifestyle requirements, aging issues and more. The market is evolving at a furious pace, however, listening to consumer preferences, understanding what and when they want to buy, represents a growing gap for food early-stage SMEs.
With this in mind, the FunFood Toolbox (funfood.site) provides a range of services, all valuable to food entrepreneurs, as well as, established businesses, when it comes to designing functional food around consumer desires.
The platform covers information for over 3,000 functional products and about 1,000
food recipes.
Moreover, when creating scenarios for novel functional food and beverage products, food startups and food businesses can cross-reference relevant market information, dip into legislative data and nutritional characteristics. The Toolbox is also open for food and nutrition professionals, researchers in food and nutrition science, as well as R&D departments.
Not sure which of our platforms is for you? Looking for more info? Please contact zikic@inosens.rs, we would be happy to help you get on board!
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