
Home / KATANA TOP 10 / Pleurette
Pleurette is an ecoorganic mushroom farm of North of France. It produce principally organic, natural and local mushrooms,
It has been founded by Gabrielle Radoux and Jürgen Engerisser, sensitive to sustainable development and circulary economy.
To produce, they use coffee grounds, collected locally in the MIN of Lomme, near Lille in France, and soon in local restaurant owner.
Pleurette is an company with deep sustainable values. The concept is recycling, reusing and valorisation. Indeed, it’s recycle his production site : former shiiping containers and former chalk quarry, transformed to mushroom factory.
However, the company day-to-day life has the same values. In Pleurette, all can be reused and valorised !

Pleurette is an innovative eco-organic mushroom cultivation start up. We produce healthy delicious organic mushroom in Lille France.

3 Brasseurs “BRoncq” is a micro-brewery in the North of France with a restaurant. The concept is to produce on site the beer that is drinked in the restaurant. Concept is local production, quality, home made.

Together with 3 Brasseurs France we want to develop a new concept of circular economy production and consumption to enhance freshness and quality of products, upcycle residues and avoid transports and pollution.

We want to upcycle brewery spent grains in delicious mushrooms that will be eaten in the restaurant from wich come the brewery spent grains. Transformation and cultivation could be onsite because Pleurette cultivates Oysters Mushrooms in old upcycled shipping containers. Mushroom is a super and fonctionnal food and we can close the loop on site : from the restaurant-brewery (grains) to the restaurant (mushrooms).

1. Pleurette ? A love story…

Pleurette began by a love story. The love of humans, the love of healty eat, the love of Earth and nature.
2012, Jürgen, le co-founder of Pleurette, hear talk of coffee grounds, and its use for mushroom’s growing. Enthusiastic and curious, he decide to be trained at the 3rd industrial revolution and blue economy sustainable development. In 2014, he meet Gabrielle, the co-founder of Pleurette.

The two in love, they travel together to develop innovation and sustainable development…

2. Pleurette, the beginning : the coffee grounds

After learning of urban agriculture, sustainable development, production and coffee ground’s property, Gabrielle and Jürgen began on 2015 to create Oyster mushroom kits for growing up at home.

An innovative concept, an appealing project, the pair decide to create their factory, to take this magnificent project as far as possible and innovate for the good eat and healthy and respectful production. Pleurette began.

Together, they invest in old shipping containers, to transform it to mushroom factory. And, in 2016, they acquire old chalk quarry : the « catiches » of Faches-Thumesnil, 12 meters underground…
An original production for recycle, reuse and add value !

3. Pleurette : mushroom idea’s brewers

That’s it, Pleurette started ! But Jürgen and Gabrielle are thinking to a lot of innovative projects. They want to limit the food wastage, and recycle everything that is possible.
On 2017, Pleurette take part in the KATANA Project competition, adding a crowdfunding campaign. The goal is to raise enough funds to developp their new project : use brewery spent grains to grow up some delicious mushrooms ! A new substrate, a new way of reusing, and especially a good point to ecology and environmental… Also, some beer factory give their beer bagasse to transform it to animal feed, like cow. The Pleurette goal is create a new step between beer production and animal feed.
In other words, use beer bagasse for mushrooms, and then send the rests to farms. The animal feed will be more digestive, pre-digested, that’s will be better for ozone layer, less gas !
With Katana, Pleurette have collected 56 000€…
The projet is on the way !

4. Pleurette : humans and ecological values

Objectifs / goals / desire / needs of Pleurette :

  • recycle
  • reuse
  • Add value
  • Stop food wastage
  • Limit the ground, water pollution, and more generally the Earth pollution.
  • Raise awareness people to ecology, recycling and sustainable development.
  • Eating good, eating healthy
  • Create products with pleasure, gluttony and healthy food !

5. The innovative future of Pleurette…

Our future innovation will be a full shipping container farm to transform brewery spent grains in gourmet mushrooms.$
We could plug in next to a brewery in every place or city in the world.
We want also to recycle residues of mushrooms into vegan organic dishes ready to eat,